
November 22, 2022  •  8 Comments

Wendy and I left Christchurch , New Zealand and flew to Melbourne, Australia which was a short flight.  We  had to fly to Aukland first and then change planes to fly to Melbourne.  Unfortunately, our flight from Aukland to Melbourne was cancelled so we had to catch a later flight which meant getting to the hotel very late at night.  What I mostly remember is carrying a very heavy backpack and messenger bag (plus my coat since I was so warm) from one terminal to the next in Aukland (ten minute  outdoor walk) and then walking a long way to our gate once we were inside the terminal.   I was wearing a lot of layers because my suitcase was too full to pack the clothes.   Then when the flight was cancelled we had to backtrack and walk a long way to a different gate.

 We spent a few days in Melbourne.  The only city tour we did was an excellent free walking tour.  I didn't take too many photos ( I just had my iPhone on me) because I was actually listening to the guide.  I did take a couple of  happy snaps with with my iPhone when we walked by this bakery.

Melbourne is the capital and most populous city (5 million) of the Australian state of Victoria.  Our hotel overlooked the Yarra River which flows through the city.  Most of the city's attractions are in close vicinity to the river.  We found Melbourne to be a beautiful, friendly city where we felt very comfortable.  

These  next two photos  were made from our hotel balcony as we waiting for blue hour. 

Wendy and I also walked in the city on our own, checking out the various areas.  Street art is very predominant in Melbourne and one of the best places for it is the cobblestoned Hosier Lane.  

We also checked out the free art gallery.  I wasn't that impressed with the art, but I enjoyed photographing some of the architecture.  

Inside the gallery.

We also walked through some botanical gardens.

One of the evenings, we walked down the street of our hotel to shoot Melbourne during the sunset.


.........................qué decir, Marsha,.....Cuando veo que ha entrado tu correo en mi buzón lo abro con inusitada avidez porque sé que encontraré maravillosas fotos y el espiritu de la persona que ha las ha realizado y dejado en ellas su impronta.
Marsha ¿quén más podría ser...?
Y es que en este ajetreo diario, encontrar el solaz necesario para retomar el día a dia, nada mejor que quedar extasiado observando los detalles y el conjunto de las fotos que tan gentilmente nos regalas.
Gracias, Marsha, sigo y seguimos, seguro, a la espera de más regalos....
weter desde Girona.
Tricia Matheson(non-registered)
Only quality photos! Loved them, Marsha. Melbourne is growing like Toronto - lots of construction cranes everywhere.
Gwendolyn Rattle(non-registered)
I enjoyed the virtual visit and the brilliant lighting in the photos.
Thanks for making my little corner of the world - and imagination- a little brighter.
Great pics, especially the night shots. They're so colourful!
William Porter(non-registered)
Well done
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